Σάββατο 21 Ιουνίου 2014

4 Debt Settlement Success Stories - Inspiration

If debt settlement seems like the most cost-effective, easiest, and fastest option to pay off your debts and relieve you of having to deal with creditors don’t be surprised. Debt settlement has been the answer for thousands of people just like you. For your own motivation, here are four of hundreds of succesfull structured settlements for debt situation:

Example 1
A single mother of two went to a structured settlement Group with debts totaling $30,000. Making minimum payments it would have taken our client 10+ years to pay her debts off. In that time, she would have paid over $44,615 in interest plus her original $30,000, for a total of $74,615. By allowing the structured settlement Group to settle this debt our client saved over $50,000, and was debt free in less than 3 years!

Example 2 
Brian is a consumer that has gotten himself into debt problems with credit cards. He went to a structured settlement Group with seven accounts calculated to $35,000 worth of credit card debt. Brian has a good job, but has realized that with the high interest payments he'll never get out of debt. Rather than declare bankruptcy, Brian decides to use the structured settlement Group's services. The structured settlement Group arranges settlements with the individual credit card companies for a total of $12,250. Brian was able to save sufficient funds over 12 months and use three other cards he decided to keep to pay the settlements and the structured settlement Group’s fees. Brain reduced his total debt from $35,000 to $12,250. Less than half of the original balance!

Example 3
David and Nicole are parents of three children, two of whom are living at home. Their financial problems started when David lost his job as a computer programmer. Since that time, his earnings have declined from an average of $82,000 annually to an average income of $40,000. Starting in 2006 the family's combined income has been only $40,000 annually, some of which Nicole earns as an assistant at the local hospital. David and Nicole have struggled to maintain payments on a home since their financial problems began in 2006. David and Nicole also have significant credit card debts lingering from early 2005. Despite their financial problems, David and Nicole have avoided default on those debts by making minimum payments. However, the total amount of their credit card debts increased from about $10,000 in 2005 to about $35,000 in 2008, largely due to the accumulation of interest at an average annual rate of 24.98%. David and Nicole attempted to make payment arrangements with their credit card lenders so that they could focus on their mortgage obligation but were told that no payment arrangements were possible and that they should "borrow money to pay off the debts.” David and Nicole went to consumer credit counseling where they were advised that their budget did not support any payments on credit cards. They were advised to consider bankruptcy in order to eliminate the credit card debts. In March of 2007 David and Nicole obtained advice from a bankruptcy lawyer and seriously considered the option of bankruptcy but did not want to be burdened with the lengthy negative credit consequences. At this point they were referred to the structured settlment business by a friend. Within a short period David and Nicole were able to set up a monthly payment plan that suited their budget and within 36 months are expected to be debt free without the need for bankruptcy.

Example 4
A small business supply company has a dispute with a local business owner because of their failure to pay an invoice calculated to $18,000 for items needed for an upcoming job. As time went by communication broke down and the problem escalated. The business owner has some valid reasons for failing to pay. Their purchase order for the goods was very specific that the components were part of a very large order and timeliness of delivery was crucial. The business supply company delivered the components a full day after the deadline on the purchase order. The business owner accepted the shipment but the delay cost him several thousands of dollars. The business supply's position was that such minor delays were common and unavoidable in the context of large fulfillments, shipments and deliveries.

Eventually the business owner was referred to a structured settlement Group. Over a series of several days the structured settlement Group was able to use some friendly, consensus-building techniques to reach an out-of-court settlement calculated to $4,000 which the business owner will pay to the business supply company. The structured settlement Group not only saved the business owner $8,000 but also saved the additional interest, costs, and attorney fees which would have resulted had the calculation case escalated to a lawsuit. This is truly a WIN- WIN situation for all.

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